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How to Read Social Media Analytics and Optimize your Strategy Accordingly

In this Guest Post, social media experts from @HomemadeSocial_ break down what each of your metrics * actually * mean and how to use your insights to inform your content.

Hi there! Allow us to introduce ourselves- we’re Homemade Social, a boutique social media marketing agency specializing in social + digital + influential campaigns for lifestyle brands.

Before putting any effort into your brand’s social media, it is important to establish goals as it will set the stage for the social media strategy to follow. Contrary to popular belief, social media is not a mindless game of just posting whatever, whenever. In fact, never post just to post. Behind every piece of content should be purpose backed by a strategy supporting set objectives.

So, what are you hoping to get out of social media for your business? The answer to this question will allow your digital marketer to know where to put most of their energy when planning content and what metrics to look at most when tracking analytics. 

Remember, the purpose of tracking social media analytics is to tie the metrics back to your goals and optimize your strategy going forward based on the insights found. Read on to discover the meaning of popular social media metrics and how to use them to inform your content strategy!


REACH - Reach is the number of users that have seen your post aka the number of users your post reached.

IMPRESSIONS - Impressions is the total number of times your post has been seen. It is not the same thing as reach because one user can view your post multiple times. Why would they do that? Likely because the content made an impression on them! While reach only accounts for the number of users, impressions accounts for the number of times the content was seen by those users.

ENGAGEMENT - Engagement is any form of interaction on your post. There are several ways a user can engage with your content, including:

  • Likes = This is the number of users that double tapped or tapped the heart icon on your post.

  • Comments = This is the number of comments your post received.

  • Saves = This is the number of users that saved your post to refer back to later.

  • Shares = This is the number of users that sent the post to another account for viewing.

These metrics then contribute to your engagement rate, which is a percentage revealing the level of engagement your post received from those who saw it. The more likes, comments, saves, and shares a post has, the higher that post’s engagement rate. 

To calculate the engagement rate of your post, use this formula:

Engagement rate = engagement / impressions OR followers

And remember: Engagement = total number of likes + comments + saves + shares on your post

So, why is this important? A high engagement rate signals to the algorithm that the content is valuable and that users enjoyed seeing it. Therefore, the higher the engagement rate, the higher the chance of the post being pushed to more users by the algorithm. This “push” is done both via users’ home feeds and the explore page. 

PROFILE VISITS - This is the number of times your profile was viewed.

WEBSITE CLICKS - This is the number of taps on the website in your profile.

FOLLOWERS - This is the number of accounts that follow you. It is also a vanity metric, meaning it’s a number that can make us feel good but doesn’t really tell us a lot. Regardless, it is a good metric to track routinely, especially if your goal is to increase brand awareness or grow your following.


While each metric discussed is important to track, here is a breakdown of specific metrics to pay attention to based on certain goals:

  • If your immediate goal is to increase brand awareness, pay extra attention to and formulate your strategy around increasing…

    • Followers

    • Shares

  • If your immediate goal is to foster a relationship with your current audience, pay extra attention to and formulate your strategy around increasing…

    • Engagement rate, which is influenced by:

      • Likes

      • Comments

      • Saves

      • Shares

  • If your immediate goal is to increase sales, pay extra attention to and formulate your strategy around increasing…

    • Website clicks

Overall, when tracking analytics, take note of what is doing well and continue doing it. If something is not resonating with your audience as expected, consider trying out something else! Repeat this process each time when tracking monthly social media analytics to continue optimizing your strategy.


This can be A LOT- we know! Luckily, we have plenty of resources available to help you. Here are a few of our most popular:

  • For general analytics assistance...

    • Social Media Analytics Terminology and Definitions freebie

      • This freebie contains even more metric definitions, broken down by each social platform!

    • Social Media Analytics Tracking Spreadsheet freebie

    • Social Media Analytics Report Template download

  • For increasing engagement...

    • 8 Ways to Increase Engagement on Instagram freebie

    • Tips for Writing Instagram Captions That Spark Action freebie

  • For increasing brand awareness/growing your following...

    • Ultimate Guide to Hashtags on Instagram freebie

    • 30 Days of Reels freebie 

We hope this blog post was helpful for you in learning more about social media analytics! Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Instagram for more tips! See ya on the ‘Gram!

xx- The Homies of Homemade Social

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